Confidentiality: all sessions at are totally confidential. The identity of individuals and personal details are carefully protected.
Payment: advance payment is due before each session of the month by cash or bank transfer.
Payment Details: Acc No. 89766237 SC, 51-70-32
Cancellation Policy and Re-scheduling: If any unforeseen circumstances mean that you cannot attend a confirmed session you can ask to re-schedule the session. This can only be done if you give 7 days notice and it is subject to the availability of the practitioner.
Length of therapy:
Short-term: Specific focus therapy. Sometimes all you need is a place to gather your thoughts and the opinion of a professional to make an important decision or become more aware of the hidden factors in a given situation. In this case a time-limited course of sessions might be agreed.
Long-term: A thorough analysis of your life and who you are in it would not take less than a year. Some people have reservations about becoming dependent on long-term support but therapy is a process and comes to a natural close at the point where it has provided what the client needs.
Ending: Once a client is accepted for treatment we have an ethical responsibility to accompany the process to the end. Therapy comes to a completion naturally as an agreement between both parties. The client is free to end therapy at any stage by giving at least two-week notice before finishing to allow for the process of closure.